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Vestibulum sit amet nisi eleifend, laoreet erat in, ornare neque. Donec eu est in quam luctus sagittis. Nulla facilisi. Proin faucibus nec nulla vitae ullamcorper.
Sed ornare nunc ac elit pretium, nec blandit sem cursus. Maecenas in nibh id dolor molestie tempus. Nam et urna lorem. Donec eu est in quam luctus sagittis.
Professional services
Reliable support
Solid contract
Global coverage
We work with local organizations in both Peru and Bolivia to provide children a better start and future through enhancing educational opportunities.
Designing Interactive Initiatives
Our primary focus in outreach and design is working with local community groups and partners to develop projects that are timely, specific and have measurable results.
Backpack Project
The Backpack Project provides a better start for children living in poverty through providing a backpack, supplies, and one week of scholastic reinforcement. Umbrella works with local churches and community organizations providing the materials and supplies in addition to a general plan of action for the groups to use.