Time for healing and reforestation

Over the past few weeks, the world’s attention has turned to the burning of the Amazon with a primary focus on Brazil which is home to over 60% of the primordial forest that serves as thermostat and lungs for the planet. However, the burning and loss of forest lands that have occurred in Brazil have also taken place in neighboring […]

Volunteer Leadership School

Last January we launched the Inaugural Experiential Volunteer Leadership School in Tipon, Peru.  In addition to the hands-on work of the Backpack Project we added an afternoon leadership training school to provide opportunities for reflection, learning and growth for the volunteer. The additional training was added to further build on the experience and growth that volunteers have .  The Escuela […]

Improved Way to Support Umbrella Initiatives

We have a new way for friends to support Umbrella with all of the funds going directly to Umbrella Initiatives without paying any charges or fees.  Please support today. Your support goes to improve fund the work of Umbrella and all the community driven initiatives.  We appreciate your support and know that without it we would be able to do […]