After running (an to be totally honest walking parts) 26.2 miles in Savannah, Georgia I am totally relieved and at the same time exhausted! Through your support and others like you we were able to raise $1,000 in total for the Backpack Project, which will allow for 40 students to participate in the project.
The race was mentally grueling not only due to the distance but because of the extreme weather. Starting at 7AM the temperature was already 74 degrees. By 9:00 AM it had raised it to the low 80s and me and other runners were suffering the consequence. Due to the extreme weather the course was cut at 9:45 AM, but since I had already made over half the distance I was able to finish the race. Without a doubt probably would have thrown in the towel if it had been for your support because I didn’t want to let my supporters down.