14th Anniversary of Umbrella Initiatives

Celebration of the UIF Anniversary

Happy Anniversary to Umbrella Initiatives!

 Yenny Delgado and Robert Rivers founded Umbrella Initiatives in the summer of 2009. While working together, they had one big dream: to commit themselves to ensuring that children have school supplies and books to attend school. From these idealistic beginnings, they decided they would help children in Peru and Bolivia attend school.

In 2010, they donated $5000 dollars to start the foundation. From these initial donations, 100 children participated in their first Backpack project/ Proyecto Mochila. Years later, more than 20 thousand children have benefited from the initiatives, and hundreds of young volunteers joined as facilitators of the Super Reader program.

The official paperwork for Umbrella Initiatives was officially accepted on April 28, 2010, as a 501©3 not-for-profit organization. Today, Umbrella Initiatives Foundation continues with its dream to promote equal education for children in the Andes of Abya Yala.

We continue to focus on improving lives through improving opportunities of children in the most need.