
The primary objective of the Backpack Project is to reinforce the communication, language, and mathematics courses for first through sixth graders.  Though didactic techniques were used, volunteers made sure to incorporate  games, art and music as a key part of learning experience. 

In this interactive setup, students received the lessons with much joy and motivation since the courses were more fun. Stories were shared outside the classroom; among them was the story of The Adventures of Paloma, the boys and girls attended and understood the message of the story with great joy. Students in the mathematics course made crafts to understand the spaces of geometric figures and fractions.

At the end of the backpack project, Friday was a great closing party. Each classroom with the support of the volunteer teachers presented theater, music, and poetry they learned in the week, the principal and teachers attended the closing. The principal gave the following message to all the boys and girls who participated , “Seek your dreams, be professionals and help your families, this is going to be done with education, it is the only tool to be able to get out of poverty.”